При запуске Siebel получил сообщение:
We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:The Data Quality Universal Connector feature is not licensed.(SBL-APS-00149)
Лечится только исправлением в репозитории и перекомпиляции SRF файла
Вот инструкция:
- Log in to Siebel Tools
- On the Object Explorer click Flat Tab
- Click Applet User Prop
- Query for "DeDuplication Results Applet"
- Lock all the retrieved user properties
- Inactivate all the user properties from the query results by setting the inactive flag to TRUE.
- Compile all the changed objects by clicking Tools > Compile Projects > Locked Projects
- Choose the Siebel Server SRF file
- Click Compile.
- Restart the Siebel Application Server.
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